We connect job seekers and companies
4u2work is a personnel service provider trusted by numerous companies in the north of Germany.
Most wanted jobs by our partners
Join a team dedicated to you
Temporary work helps you to solve your employment issues

Start your carreer with us
Find job offers that match your skills and communicate your wishes and options directly with us! We will assess the temporary work that suits you best together. You only need to apply once, as we share your application with our numerous partners. Once hired, your income is secure during inactive periods. For your support and as your official employer, we regularly visit the company you work in.

Find your employees
We are the optimal partner for temporary employment, recruitment, and personnel consulting. Save time and money with our personalized solutions. Access a large pool of applicants while reducing administrative workload and costs. With temporary workers you can quickly adapt your workforce to peeks and slumps and keep focusing on your core business.